Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Plechner Syndrome and Protocol

Plechner's Theory Another advocate of Plechner's theory is Patricia Pepper, who shares a pet success story with SARDS, explains it this way..."What Dr. Plechner did was find that a major regulating hormone–cortisol, which according to the world expert for cortisone, medical school professor, William Jeffries is the ONLY hormone ESSENTIAL for life– is deficient or bound in many animals and that this situation sets up further hormonal imbalances, specifically the binding of thyroid hormone often by the creation of reverse t-3, the generation of excess TOTAL estrogens in the system due to pituitary hyper-stimulation which occurs to the lack of functioning active cortisol, and that these hormonal imbalances deregulate the immune surveillance. He found that by putting back the amount of cortisone which replaces the missing active cortisol and by replacing bound thyroid hormone the immune surveillance can be regained. This is why the Plechner treatment protocol has been found to be so effective against feline retroviruses." "Dr. Plechner figured out how to determine the amount of cortisone to put back into the system but looking at the pituitary gland by a testing protocol that measures the TOTAL estrogen which occurs under hyper stimulation of the adrenals by the pituitary. When there is not enough ACTIVE, unbound cortisone in the system. By doing lots of lab testing–originally out of his own pocket, Dr. Plechner noted the relationship between the endocrine system and the immune system–that when the missing hormones were supplied in the dose that satisfied the pituitary by stopping the pituitary hyper stimulation of the adrenals, the B cell and T cell populations that he followed in his laboratory testing, normalized." "Now after fifty years and a hundred thousand animals and hundreds of thousands of lab tests, it is seems that this entirely logical therapy which rebalances a major command system in the biochemistry–which insures the adequate supply of the only hormone which is absolutely essential for life, and which also insures an adequate supply of a hormone–thyroid hormone–which is essential for optimal oxygen metabolism, which is the sine e qua non of the mammalian biochemistry–has been thoroughly demonstrated to be of enormous value in the art of Medicine. In fact, it is the establishment which has been remiss in not making further studies of what Dr. Plechner has discovered."

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