Thursday, February 6, 2014


I ask Dr. Plechner about everything. I ask him about anything to do with medical, veterinarian, general health and nutrition, as well as the latest fads I read about in the media. He answers everything and here is his take on Detoxification in relation to humans and dogs: "I am sure there are various toxins that everyone can be exposed to that will effect a serious change in the hormone regulation of the immune system which I believe causes allergy, autoimmunity and cancer. However there are also genetic defects in the hormone regulation of the immune system, and when exposure to various toxins occur, they can even make these imbalances considerably worse. Shasta is a patient that has hormone antibody imbalances and normalizing her endocrine immune system will help her body detoxify normally. I have used the montmorillinite clay for many years with myself, my family and my patients, because it detoxes damaging heavy metals and damaging toxins either from the environment and also man made. It also neutralizes radiation while supplying micronutrients that no longer occur in our soils do to being overworked agriculturally. Doing a calcium bentonite with montmorillinite will do almost everything you need to do with Shasta to detoxify her along with correcting her endocrine immune imbalance. Many of the clinical symptoms in people and the clinical signs found in animals, can come from allergies etc. and sometimes the detoxification process can not only be very damaging, but very dangerous for the patient to experience. I would rather be careful with my foods, chemical and radiation exposures and take Clay." To read more about montmorillinite clay, please see my post titled "Montmorillinite Clay."

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